Tuesday, February 9, 2010

XeLaTeX on a Mac

As I wrote a couple of hours ago, I am currently writing my thesis using XeLaTeX. In the process I have found that the MacPorts version of XeLaTeX seems to be broken when it comes to accepting/finding user-installed fonts. My LaTeX template needs a font called Fontin Sans that I have downloaded and installed into my "Font Book" on my Mac. After doing that the MacPorts version of XeLaTeX still couldn't find the font, so I uninstalled the texlive packages fro MacPorts and installed the MacTeX 2009 package instead. And now everything works :-)


  1. Strange. Was about to recommend Lyx as Latex editor, but a few clicks "previous postings" later, it seems irrelevant. HEHE:.

    Found som nice programming tips at your site. ;) THX.

  2. sudo port install texlive-xetex does the trick, too ;)

    Details on where one may find which tex package in macports can be found here https://trac.macports.org/wiki/TeXLivePackages
