Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Building the Scavenger Python library

This is the second "building scavenger" post -- see the post immediately before this one for a description of how to build the Scavenger daemon. In this post I will describe how you can install the Scavenger Python library on a client device, so that you may start offloading tasks to your Scavenger daemon instance.

When installing the Scavenger library you designate a Python interpreter that you wish to install the Python modules into, so the first dependency is of course Python. Secondly, the script building the library uses git to fetch the source code from GitHub, so git is a dependency too.

Once you have these two dependencies installed, building and installing the Scavenger library (on a Mac or Linux machine) is as simple as 1) downloading this script, and 2) running the script with the path to the chosen Python interpreter as an argument.
$ wget https://github.com/madsdk/scavenger-library/raw/master/build/build_and_install.sh
$ sh build_and_install.sh /usr/bin/python
If you have any questions about getting Scavenger to run on your system, please don't hesitate to contact me. The best thing to do is to leave a comment on this page, but you are also welcome to send me a mail.

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